
B biżuteria i inne cuda

Turquoise meaning is of protection and truth. This healing stone can protect its owner from harm from others, harm from negative thoughts and emotions. Turquoise is also a stone that encourages truth, be true to yourself and to tell truth in all situations. With this truth comes better communication and peace of mind to the owner.

The metaphysical properties for turquoise are numerous it has the ability to ground the wearer, improve self awareness, brings a sense of calm to the owner and it helps open the heart chakra. Which is why turquoise and rose quartz work well together for your healing regime. Turquoise is one of the chakra crystals that works by helping to open the heart chakra. This chakra healing stone incites love for thyself and those around you, it promotes loyalty and friendship. It is said that if you receive a turquoise stone from a friend that that friendship will remain true and loyal for life. Turquoise radiates positive energy that will rub off on its owner and helps when it is used in healing practices.
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