
Intact Protein Analysis (LC-MS)


What is Lipidomics Analysis Service?
Lipidomics analysis service delves into the systematic exploration and characterization of lipids within organisms, tissues, or cells, alongside their interacting molecules. Furthermore, Lipidomics analysis service elucidates the structure-function relationships of lipids, shedding light on the intricate interplay between lipid metabolism and the physiological and pathological processes at cellular, organ, and systemic levels.

Lipidomics analysis service encompasses a broad spectrum, including lipid and metabolite analysis, functional and regulatory aspects, as well as metabolic pathways and networks. By offering a comprehensive understanding of lipid dynamics in life processes, Lipidomics Service serves as a catalyst for identifying novel markers, fostering groundbreaking avenues for future disease management and drug resistance studies.

INOMIXO Lipidomics Services
As a leading company specializing in lipidomics services, we can provide targeted and non-targeted lipidomics analysis service based on LC-MS/MS technology. Targeted lipidomics allows for quantitative analysis of specific lipid classes, whereas untargeted lipidomics comprehensively examines all lipids in an organism, facilitating the discovery of new biomarkers or potential drug targets. We recommend pre-screening with untargeted lipidomic services and post validation with targeted lipidomic services

Untargeted Lipidomics
The broad spectrum study of lipids in biological materials using LC-MS/MS technology is the foundation of untargeted lipidomics analysis service.

Targeted Lipidomics
A targeted examination of a predefined group of lipids is known as targeted lipidomics. Our focused lipidomics analysis service uses parallel reaction monitoring with isotope-labeled standards and high-resolution mass spectrometry.

The Benefits of Lipidomics Analysis Service from INOMIXO
Comprehensive Lipid Profiling: INOMIXO offers detailed analysis of a wide range of lipid species, providing a complete lipidomic profile.

Advanced Technology: Utilizing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry, INOMIXO ensures high sensitivity and accuracy in lipid detection and quantification.

Expert Insights:INOMIXO's team of experts provides in-depth interpretation of lipidomic data, aiding in the understanding of lipid-related biological processes.

Customized Solutions: Tailored analysis services meet specific research needs, from basic research to clinical applications.

Fast Turnaround: INOMIXO guarantees timely delivery of results, accelerating your research progress.

Lipidomics Service Mass Spectrometry Platform
Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ HF-X
Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Plus
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 5500
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500
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