
Online Marketplaces and Shopping Carts Comparison

With all of the factors weighing in, deciding between Etsy and your own website comes down to your business needs and budget constraints.

If you are a new business owner looking for low-cost choices, Etsy is a great place to start. Even if you're just testing the waters on several marketplaces, Etsy is worth a shot. Except for the flat listing price, the platform requires little effort and resources to set up and begin selling.

However, if you want to extend your business and build a sustainable and recognizable brand, running your own website may be more helpful. And, if you're ready to move on to the next multichannel selling chapter, LitCommerce will gladly speak with you about our Etsy connection with NO hidden fees!

Read more: https://litcommerce.com/blog/etsy-vs-own-website/

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